Are YOU ready to transition into fall or are you hanging on to the summer?
Fall is my FAVORITE season, so I’m so ready for cooler weather! Another reason I love
fall so much is because it’s the PERFECT senior session weather! Not too hot and not
too cold!
Here’s a few other reasons fall is so great for a senior session:
1. No Sweat: One of the number one reasons I don’t like to shoot in the summer is because of the heat and the amount of makeup my seniors sweat off during their session.
It’s just miserable. Charlotte Seniors are tough. And we can get through a session in 90 degree heat if we need to, but its nice when it starts to cool off and you don't have to worry about pit stains (there, I said it)In cooler weather, it’s so great because we don’t have to worry about that happening!
2. Layers: an outfit is always more dynamic with colorful layers and fall is the perfect season to throw on a cardigan, jacket, hat, and tights! These layers can take a simple outfit from meh to amazing!
3. Warm Tones: I’m not just talking about your senior session fashion, friends! I’m talking about the fall leaves that will be in your photos! Think of all the beautiful reds, oranges and yellows that will be your backdrop in your pictures! This is a favorite among my Charlotte and Lake Norman Seniors. They love love love those leaves in the background. Depending on the weather, we generally have the best color between the middle of October and the middle of November. Some years it is earlier and some years it is later.
Speaking of the fall season, did you know that we’re currently booking FALL SENIOR
SESSIONS for November?! That means NOW is the time to connect with
us and confirm your session day! Click the button below and we’ll get your booking
process started!