Ready for a sneak peek into our AHP senior sessions in the Greater Charlotte Area?!? Look no further! Here are 3 session rules we follow for every session!
1. Laugh... a lot: During our sessions we will talk all things pop culture, Netflix bingers, and what makes your world go ‘round. By the end of our session, we’ll feel like family because we’ve spent the last 3 hours sharing about our lives & having a blast with each other! No matter where we are at, Uptown Charlotte, Lake Norman or in the Mountains... we have fun.
2. Natural poses: We want to make sure you feel like YOU in your photos, so we actually watch for natural mannerisms and pose you off those and your personality. We also look to our seniors’ fashion trends for posing inspiration as well!
3. Tons of variety: This is a top priority rule, friends! We make sure your session is full of variety by changing up location, your makeup and hair with your outfits, angles, expressions, poses and so much more! Sometimes we travel all over the greater Charlotte area. Did you know that we are already booking for Spring of 2022?!? Heck yes we are! And we are selling out of available spots FAST! So let’s get you booked TODAY! Fill out the contact form below and we’ll begin your booking process!