Hey Sugar,
Do you remember that time, when you were 13, and some thoughtless boy called you ugly? And you believed him? Do you remember that time when you were 17, and someone nicknamed you after a body part? (my personal nickname was "2 by 4"....like the board....like the flat board). And you laughed with everyone else because you didn't have a choice. Crying in front of everyone wasn't an option.
Was there ever a time in your life, that you thought.....if I could just be prettier, skinnier, taller, shorter, longer lashes, longer nails, fuller lips, skinnier lips, curlier hair, straighter hair, tanner, lighter, _______________ fill in the blank. There was that time for me. And I take portraits of young girls every week, that often feel like if they could just be _____________ then everything would be ok.
Ya'll, I'm on the other side of the "2 by 4" nickname. Now it ought be more like "rocks in socks". That's right. I said it. I'm not ashamed. And my idea of what is Beautiful and Pretty has changed a whole lot. So I want to talk to you right now like a good friend, or a loving momma, or a fiery southern preacher would talk to you.
My darling. You are the only one of you that will ever be on this earth. You were born perfect. Just the way you are. Your body, face, and rocks in socks are only a vessel for what is on the inside. When you pick up a friend who has fallen down, your hands glow with strength. When you speak up in defense of someone who is being teased, your lips are the perfect shade of brave. When you make space for those who are different, your eyes sparkle with kindness.
Baby girl, when you are beautiful on the inside. IT SHOWS on the outside. CHOOSE to love yourself. CHOOSE to focus on building strength of Character. CHOOSE to be the type of person that people feel safe with. Because INNER BEAUTY doesn't change with the trends. It doesn't get old, tired, or wrinkly. It doesn't fade.
And I PROMISE you. I PROMISE!!! There will come a day that you will look back at pictures of yourself and think, "Why was I so hard on myself? I was adorable!"
So honey bear, listen to Momma Allie.
You are Beautiful.
You are Gorgeous.
You are Kind.
You are Brave.
You are Loving.
But more importantly..... you are you. There is no need to ever be ____________.
-------------Charlotte Area Photographer-----------Lake Norman Area Photographer-------------------------
Mar 9, 2020, 11:15:07 PM
Katie - Such a good reminder for every woman! We are enough just as we are. Thanks for the gentle push, mama!
Mar 9, 2020, 5:23:02 PM
Brandi - What a great reminder, not just for teens, but for all women! Also, I LOVE that dress! So gorgeous!
Mar 9, 2020, 2:35:20 PM
Shunta Etheridge - Oohhh I so love this right here!! Such great reminders as to how beautiful you are and you are made uniquely. Love it. Thanks for the share
Mar 9, 2020, 1:59:49 PM
Amy - This is sooo important, especially in today's society! What a great idea for a blog post.
Mar 9, 2020, 1:25:30 PM
Diana Luppens - Oh how true those words are!!! We are our own worst critics and we are so hard on ourselves as women. Love you post and message! I hope we can all begin to see ourselves with positive words of affirmation! Thanks for sharing!
Mar 9, 2020, 10:36:00 AM
Ali - What a wonderfully powerful post! I wish I'd heard something like this when I was younger.
Mar 9, 2020, 10:22:13 AM
Elle - What a perfect message. Great points, we all struggle sometimes, but teenage years magnify the struggle!